Title: After field/row/input logic being skipped by ON ACTION. Post by: Ben R. on October 20, 2015, 06:06:31 pm I have a dialog that looks like this:
Code: dialog The after field, after row, and after input logic all triggers properly when I manually exit those fields, but when I hit accept all that logic is bypassed and only "accept' is displayed. I'm sure there's a way to have a dialog-level action exit the current display/input array without bypassing the related logic, but I haven't been able to find it. Title: Re: After field/row/input logic being skipped by ON ACTION. Post by: Tim S. on October 20, 2015, 07:02:04 pm In your ON ACTION ACCEPT, try using ACCEPT DIALOG
ACCEPT DIALOG instruction The ACCEPT DIALOG statement validates all input fields bound to the DIALOG instruction and leaves the block if no error is raised. Control blocks such as ON CHANGE, AFTER FIELD, AFTER ROW, AFTER INPUT/DISPLAY/CONSTRUCT will be executed according to the dialog structure. The statements appearing after the ACCEPT DIALOG will be skipped. You typically code an ACCEPT DIALOG in an ON ACTION accept block: 01 ON ACTION accept 02 ACCEPT DIALOG |