Title: BDS - Genero Migration - INT_FLAG Post by: Stephen T. on January 14, 2014, 12:23:47 pm Can I ask if there was a change in how INT_FLAG is handled between BDS and Genero?
Would I be correct in thinking that under Genero, INT_FLAG resetting is entirely up to the users code but that in BDS certain interactive statements may also reset INT_FLAG? IE if I have a piece of code akin to: DISPLAY ARRAY .... ON KEY(INTERRUPT) CALL fgl_winbutton(blah).... END DISPLAY ...that in Genero INT_FLAG will be set by the INTERRUPT KEY, BUT the fgl_winbutton will not then reset it, so after the DISPLAY the INT_FLAG is still set - and conversely in BDS, INT_FLAG is still set by the INTERRUPT, but is then reset by the fgl_winbutton? Title: Re: BDS - Genero Migration - INT_FLAG Post by: Reuben B. on January 14, 2014, 10:54:53 pm FYI, the source for fgl_winbutton, fgl_winmessage etc is in FGLDIR/src.
A quick look suggests your hypothesis is correct. Title: Re: BDS - Genero Migration - INT_FLAG Post by: Stephen T. on January 15, 2014, 08:48:12 am Thanks Reuben.
I don't have BDS installed on my laptop, and I can't see any source for fgl_win... anywhere (apart from DEMO folders) in the three Genero installs that I have (2.2,2.3 and 2.4). Steve Title: Re: BDS - Genero Migration - INT_FLAG Post by: Stephen T. on January 15, 2014, 08:53:27 am ....Ignore that - I see that they're in fgldialog....