Title: Form Layout Post by: . on May 28, 2013, 03:47:10 pm All Forms appear still with flow layout. This is ok, but sometimes we need a form which appears in the same look as in the 4fd-File. Can I create a layout-style like the "Null-Layout" in Java?
regards Johanna Title: Re: Form Layout Post by: Leo S. on May 28, 2013, 06:29:17 pm Hi Johanna, googling after Java NULL layout I found that you mean absolute positioning (probably pixel based).
This has never been possible with Genero, all fields are either layed out in grid's or Hbox/VBox containers. If you want to add some spacing between elements you might use the [" "] trick by adding an HBox using one or more spaces as labels. HTH and Kind Regards, Leo |