Title: TAPI Post by: Gerhard N. on March 15, 2013, 08:57:44 am One of our customers wants to know if we can implement a TAPI-application:
As soon as they receive a customer-call, the program should check the telephone-number and pop up specific customer details on the affected client computer. Does anyone have experience with this subject? Thank you in advance, Gerhard Neu Phone: +43 732 750951-12 | Fax: +43 1 32950-171 Mobile: +43 664 80466 8065 gerhard.neu@softwareag.com Software GmbH Österreich Ein Unternehmen der Software AG Gruppe Guglgasse 7-9 | 1030 Wien | Austria FN 51 421 w | Handelsgericht Wien www.softwareag.com Title: Re: TAPI Post by: Reuben B. on March 20, 2013, 12:13:23 pm Hi Gerhard,
One of my customers does something similar. I searched my mail archives to see if they were using TAPI but instead found a number of posts in the old genero customers mailing list (the predecessor to the forum) where TAPI was mentioned wayback in 2004/2005 if some of those customers are still around they may share their experience. With my customer, very similar requirement to yours, call comes in, screen launched with details required for the call. I think the key issues was where did the phone app communicate to the Genero program and who initiated the interface. Was it via the back-end server, or via the front-end client i.e the GDC, and did the phone system initiate the interface or did the Genero app initiate the interface. Ours was via the front-end and so had a front-call extension for the GDC to communicate with the phone system, the sticky point being that the GDC had to initiate the interface rather than the phone system initiating the interface. If I was doing that again today, I'd look more closer at GDC short-cuts, and the .gdc file, and perhaps have the phone system execute gdc passing in the phone number used as part of the -C option or a .gdc file created. Hope that helps, Reuben |