Title: Batch Report - Problem to arrange the report structure Post by: Asnidzal M. on September 08, 2012, 05:11:47 pm Hi,
I need some help regarding how to arrange the report structure. I writing a program to print the new university transcript using GST 2.32. The problem is i don't know how to arrange the report structure so that it will print properly a batch of students ... in this case ...the second student data and above, because now the report will print the transcript with same student data (the first student data) at student profile(page header) even though the details(subject code, cgpa,gpa etc.) will print correctly but all pages will print the same page header. I try to move the page header inside one of the group (GROUP nopel_tt), but error C:/temp/Transkrip2012-Program/transkrip.4rp:Page Header, port:error:(GS-18064) MINIPAGE: all nodes attached to named ports must be specified prior to specifying any nodes for the primary port will occur during the print process ... Hope someone will guide me to solve this problem.. Thanks ... Title: Re: Batch Report - Problem to arrange the report structure Post by: Asnidzal M. on September 08, 2012, 05:19:44 pm here is the report structure ...
Title: Re: Batch Report - Problem to arrange the report structure Post by: Alex G. on September 10, 2012, 08:55:01 am Page headers and footers need to be declared before shipping any data for the body. Violating this rule leads to the error that you have described. I am not sure that I completely understood the problem but if the it is something like "I would like every student to start on a new page" than you should add students to your "ORDER EXTERNAL" and put the page root in that trigger. Find attached a modified version of your report that will start new pages for every "nopel_tt".
Title: Re: Batch Report - Problem to arrange the report structure Post by: Asnidzal M. on September 10, 2012, 04:16:08 pm Hi Alex,
thanks for your help. It's solved. Title: Re: Batch Report - Problem to arrange the report structure Post by: Anderson P. on February 20, 2014, 06:24:49 pm Just for curiosity, why do i need to declare the footer before body?
The report preview looks a bit odd with the footer right after the header and then the body. Title: Re: Batch Report - Problem to arrange the report structure Post by: Alex G. on February 20, 2014, 06:34:51 pm Hi,
>Just for curiosity, why do i need to declare the footer before body? because the engine needs to know how much space to allocate for the footer before reading the data for the body of the page. If the footer would be shipped after thousands of rows of data then we would have to temporarily store all that data before we could format the first page. >The report preview looks a bit odd with the footer right after the header and then the body. Since version 2.50 the footer is displayed at the bottom of the document view. Regards, Alex |