Title: Tabbed MDI container Post by: Uwe H. on August 06, 2012, 01:47:32 pm Hello,
is it correct that if I have a MDI container I can switch between the inner windows using ctrl-tab until I have defined the container as a tabbed MDI container? Is there a reason for this? Kind Regards Uwe Title: Re: Tabbed MDI container Post by: Reuben B. on August 08, 2012, 06:43:18 am Hi,
Your question is unclear. My interpretation of what you are asking is that if you using a MDI container, you can use Ctrl-Tab to switch between the running child programs. If you use the tabbed MDI container by adding <StyleAttribute name="tabbedContainer" value="yes" /> to your .4st then Ctrl-Tab does not move you between running child programs. Is that it? Reuben Title: Re: Tabbed MDI container Post by: . on August 08, 2012, 09:45:17 am This is a known issue : #20430 (Tabbed MDI: Cannot switch between child windows using CTRL-TAB).
https://4js.com/support/issue/20430 It is expected to be fixed in the next major release. Regards, Pierre-Nicolas |