Title: Is there a way to not use a subreport that comes in from the rdd. Post by: yap b. on April 19, 2012, 05:16:35 pm Hi, new to report designer. I have a report that has two subreports attached to it(in the rdd file). I don't need the information from the sub reports and the program gives me, "Attribute url needs to be specified", errors if left undefined. As I can not delete or ignore these subreports, is there a way around this?
Using Genero Report Designer Version 2.40.08 build-111919 Target w32vc90 Title: Re: Is there a way to not use a subreport that comes in from the rdd. Post by: Alex G. on April 19, 2012, 05:48:13 pm Create a new empty report design for the sub report and remove the page root. Refer to this report whenever you do not want to process the sub report in a master report. The report will consume the data but not produce any output.
Regards, Alex Geller Title: Re: Is there a way to not use a subreport that comes in from the rdd. Post by: yap b. on April 19, 2012, 07:29:40 pm First off, Thank you for your quick response.
I created the sub report like this... (http://www.lbs-support.com/documentation/OIMAGE/Style%20info.jpg) When I run the report that points to the sub report, I get nothing. Did I set this sub report up wrong? Title: Re: Is there a way to not use a subreport that comes in from the rdd. Post by: Alex G. on April 20, 2012, 08:39:01 am Hi,
that looks just fine. Perhaps I misunderstood your question. Find attached a report called "NullReport.4rp" that can be used in conjunction with the sub report example called "MasterReport.4rp" from the OrderReport demo application. That report contains references to two sub reports. If you change the URL of one of them to point to "NullReport.4rp" then the call to that sub report will not produce any output and the section will remain empty in the master report. Regards, Alex |