Title: Horizontal Arrays and Drag and Drop Post by: Stephen T. on April 02, 2012, 03:08:45 pm Is there a way to have a horizontal array working with drag and drop?
I have two sets of images that I want to 'manipulate' and I want to copy images from one list to the other. The recipient list is 'thumb nailed' to hold a smaller version of the main image. I can get this to roughly work using two arrays and I can drag and drop the source image to the target area - but that then means the source and target arrays appear vertically (ie each picture is placed above/below the preceding). I'm happy that the source array is 'vertical' as the images are large and only 1 will fit per screen width, however I would like a 'strip of thumbnails' as the target, going across the screen. I can define a scrollgrid that is horizontal, but (I may be doing something wrong here) I can't seem to then get drag and drop to work with that container type. Title: Re: Horizontal Arrays and Drag and Drop Post by: Reuben B. on April 04, 2012, 03:39:13 am Stephen,
Drag and Drop is only supported in "regular lists and treeviews controlled by a DISPLAY ARRAY", so not SCROLLGRIDs https://4js.com/online_documentation/fjs-fgl-manual-html/User/DragAndDrop.html#BASICS I was going to suggest for your table of images arranged horizontally you use tableType=pictureFlow stylehttps://4js.com/online_documentation/fjs-fgl-manual-html/User/PresentationStyles.html#STYATT_TABLE but that won't help you as you can't drop into that container. I guess it is not a "regular list" Reuben Title: Re: Horizontal Arrays and Drag and Drop Post by: Stephen T. on April 04, 2012, 09:38:40 am Reuben,
OK. Are there any plans to be able to have a horizontal table (ORIENTATION?) with all the problems that may then pose to the AGGREGATE fields? |