Four Js Development Tools Forum

Discussions by product => Genero BDL => Topic started by: Bradford D. on March 15, 2012, 03:45:24 pm

Title: Error -6813 in per file
Post by: Bradford D. on March 15, 2012, 03:45:24 pm
As you can see in the attached file, I am getting an error -6813 when trying to compile the per file.  Thie file attached is actually the .err file but I could not attacch that file as it is not in the list of acceptable file so I merely renamed the .err to the .per and attached it to this post.

Can you tell me why I am getting this error?  Is the group definition incorrect?

Title: Re: Error -6813 in per file
Post by: Sundar K. on March 15, 2012, 07:24:53 pm
You have 'C4' used twice.

Tom @ FGSS

Title: Re: Error -6813 in per file
Post by: Sundar K. on March 15, 2012, 07:33:24 pm
Also put a blank line before the <G G3...> line.

Title: Re: Error -6813 in per file
Post by: Bradford D. on March 19, 2012, 11:07:43 pm
Thanks Tom.  The blank line worked.  A strange error though for a missing blank line!

Title: Re: Error -6813 in per file
Post by: Leo S. on March 20, 2012, 12:06:05 am
Thanks Tom.  The blank line worked.  A strange error though for a missing blank line!
Hi ,
the form compiler has sometimes a hard job to detect where it should end the group box.
Since Genero 2.x you can therefore put an explicit marker into your .per to make it clear for you and the form compiler
  2. GRID
  3. {
  4. <G "Title"         >
  5.  label inside group
  6. <                  >
  7. Group ends above
  8. }
  9. END
HTH and Kind Regards, Leo