Four Js Development Tools Forum

Discussions by product => Reporting tools (GRW, GRE) => Topic started by: Odair M. on May 23, 2011, 11:44:15 pm

Title: PDF file on telnet
Post by: Odair M. on May 23, 2011, 11:44:15 pm
Hello everybody,

 I'm having some difficulty in setting up a program to generate a. pdf file on TUI mode. I am using the following commands:

   Fgl_report_loadCurrentSettings IF (NULL) THEN
      CALL fgl_report_SelectDevice (PDF)
      CALL fgl_report_SelectPreview (FALSE)
      CALL fgl_report_SetOutputFileName (nome_arq.pdf)
      LET fgl_report_commitCurrentSettings hFile = ()
   start report lis_rlctb001 to XML HANDLER hFile

 When I run the program locally on the server the result is OK, but when the execution is done via telnet does not work.

 Does anyone have any suggestions to help me?

Title: Re: PDF file on telnet
Post by: Alex G. on May 24, 2011, 08:41:47 am
I would suspect that some part of the software is trying to connect to X and fails. I suggest that you write a small console program (without any windows) and try to run that. If that doesn't help to find the issue, please get in contact with the support.
Alex Geller