Four Js Development Tools Forum

Discussions by product => Products announcements => Topic started by: Christine R. on July 03, 2009, 10:57:53 am

Title: [ANNOUNCE] New Maintenance Release of Genero 2.20
Post by: Christine R. on July 03, 2009, 10:57:53 am
  Maintenance Release Announcement
   Genero 2.20

     We are pleased to announce the availability of a new Maintenance Release of Genero 2.20, including the following packages:
  • Genero Business Development Language 2.20.06 (FGL)
  • Genero Business Development Language including the Web Services 2.20.06 (FGLGWS)
  • Genero Desktop Client 2.20.13 (GDC)
  • Genero Application Server 2.20.09 (GAS)

   These versions are now downloadable from the web site :

   Note : If your database tables use data types that are equivalent to the FGL BOOLEAN type (such as BOOLEAN
              in Informix or the BIT type in SQL Server), you must re-generate your database schema files with the fgldbsch tool.

   For more information on problem fixes in this release please refer to the following release notes :  
  • FGL 2.20.06 (
  • FGLGWS 2.20.06  (
  • GDC 2.20.13  (
  • GAS 2.20.09  (

   N.B.  All Four J's customers under maintenance have free access to the new release.

   Best regards,

   Four J.s Development Tools