Four Js Development Tools Forum

Discussions by product => Products announcements => Topic started by: Christine R. on January 27, 2025, 01:14:25 pm

Title: [ANNOUNCE] Genero Enterprise 5.00 - GBC Maintenance Release
Post by: Christine R. on January 27, 2025, 01:14:25 pm
 Genero Enterprise 5.00 Maintenance Release :
GBC 5.00.11

Four Js is pleased to announce a Maintenance Release of Genero Browser Client 5.00.11.

What's new for GBC...
  • New degraded mode alerts: The degraded mode feature provides information when certain functions
    of GBC might not work properly due to limitations in the environment or configuration.
  • GBC supports the headerPosition presentation style attribute for setting the position of column headers
    (the name of the columns) relative to the field position. This attribute applies only to flipped table rendering.
  • There has been a review of the visual feedback shown to the user when they hover, click/touch, and focus
    field widgets and buttons in the GBC.
  • Several theme variables were added to control the new visual feedback.
  • New variables are introduced for setting theme state (hover, focus, active) for widgets.
  • The usage of old CSS classes should be considered obsolete and be replaced with the new name.
  • Some changes have been applied to JavaScript, we recommend that you review your existing customizations
    for some elements.

Please refer to for more information.

This version also includes the following bug fixes:

It is now downloadable from the website:

All Four Js Genero customers under maintenance have free access to the new release.

Best regards,

Four Js Development Tools