Title: Table Rendering Post by: Carl P. on January 13, 2025, 02:03:53 pm Hello,
We're using Genero 5.00.02 and GBC 5.00.10 on Windows Server. We have quite a number of screens that open and display a list of data items. Because we don't know the height of the table in the browser we use: DISPLAY ARRAY p_mess TO s_mess.* ATTRIBUTE( COUNT = p_arr_count ) BEFORE DISPLAY EXIT DISPLAY END DISPLAY That displays all the rows that we've taken from the database into the table. But it displays the bottom rows squashed together. See screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ti3biyuawjwfkpnx0h8nf/Screenshot-1.jpg?rlkey=1wms9alnagsrdamx49pofdlj1&e=1&dl=0 When we browse all the rows in the table, just using DISPLAY ARRAY, it renders the bottom rows correctly. See screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5rgzoq88a1nnim0ieqcwj/Screenshot-2.jpg?rlkey=gfm05mvidgn5cdpydejzeyslc&e=1&dl=0 I've tried this using the latest version of Firefox and Chrome with the same result. Is there a way around this problem or will it need to be fixed in GBC? Thanks, Carl Title: Re: Table Rendering Post by: Olivier I. on January 13, 2025, 02:49:34 pm Hello Carl
This is a known issue (GBC-4811 and GBC-3562) we are currently working on in the current sprint. If everything is going smooth and well, you should have it fixed in our next GBC release. If not, please contact support to hae more info. Olivier - Front-End Projects Manager. PS- GBC-4811 is not public yet you should have it in the bug tracker tomorrow. Title: Re: Table Rendering Post by: Reuben B. on January 14, 2025, 03:43:10 am @Carl: these type of Issues are best served via the Support Portal. Ideally with a small example that reproduces the issue and details of versions where it was OK and not OK. Asking a support question via the Developer forum does not trigger our response KPI's.
@Olivier: When I wrote https://4js.com/ask-reuben/ig-193/ (an article about the EXIT DISPLAY technique you use) which is about 60 weeks ago, the screenshots were OK. Looking closely they weren't perfect but did not get an overwrite / squashed appearance of last two rows. When I rerun the example in that article (make browser tab smaller so less than 26 rows visible, click Next to see some data), there seems to be a difference introduced in GBC 5.00.06. Title: Re: Table Rendering Post by: Olivier I. on January 14, 2025, 09:36:24 am GBC-4811 was declared on GBC 4.01.14.
GBC-3562 was declared on GBC 4.01.01. In fact, this problem exists since the new implementation of the table layout based on CSS grid during 4.00 development. |