Title: start a program minimized Post by: Stefan S. on November 19, 2008, 09:35:58 am Hello,
program A starts another program B with fglrun. Now I want to set program A in the foreground. Is that possible ? I want to start Program B always minimized. There is an windowstate for "maximized", but not for minimized ? Any idea Thanks Stefan Serwe Title: Re: start a program minimized Post by: Lionel F. on November 21, 2008, 11:08:57 am Hello Stefan,
For now, windowState style attribute can only be set to values "normal" or "maximized", not to "minimized" It has not been implemented because, until then, we did not find any obvious interest to start an application in minimized state. What is exactly the aim of your program supposed to start in background/minimized ? Maybe we could help you to find a nearing solution. Thank you for precising. Best regards, Lionel Title: Re: start a program minimized Post by: Stefan S. on November 25, 2008, 08:57:05 am Program B starts every 20 Second to Import Data from a sps connected to that local PC.
So it is not necessary to see Program B at start-up. Hello Stefan, For now, windowState style attribute can only be set to values "normal" or "maximized", not to "minimized" It has not been implemented because, until then, we did not find any obvious interest to start an application in minimized state. What is exactly the aim of your program supposed to start in background/minimized ? Maybe we could help you to find a nearing solution. Thank you for precising. Best regards, Lionel Title: Re: start a program minimized Post by: Lionel F. on November 25, 2008, 10:33:13 am Hello Stefan,
For now, I'm afraid there is no way to do this. This is nevertheless the object of a feature request already referenced in our database : fz.#2335 => Be able to choose the way a window gets open (Minimized, Maximized,Default) I added your name to the list of requesters. There is currently no date planned for implementation mainly due to other priorities, especially the version 2.20. However, it has been taken into account, and the development team will evaluate the opportunity of implementing this in the future. Thanks for the suggestion, Best regards, Lionel Title: Re: start a program minimized Post by: Lionel F. on November 25, 2008, 12:40:47 pm Hello Stefan,
I get back to you regarding this. Would a style attribute which allows to start an application "minimized (e.g. windowState = minimized) be sufficient to do what you're expecting? Or, do you need a way to change the window state directly in the 4GL code (for instance, using a function) ? Any other comments or impressions on this are also welcome... Title: Re: start a program minimized Post by: Stefan S. on November 25, 2008, 01:00:53 pm for my aim it will be enough to have a style attribute to start an applivation mimimized
Title: Re: start a program minimized Post by: Stefan S. on December 15, 2008, 12:30:54 pm is there a possibility to set the focus to program a when program b is running ?
Perhaps something with dom-note manipulation ? Title: Re: start a program minimized Post by: Reuben B. on December 15, 2008, 11:22:14 pm If you are using Windows you can use appActivate via a front-call to set the focus to a particular window, see attached example.
It would probably also be possible to open a window minimized using a similar technique and sendKeys Code
Title: Re: start a program minimized Post by: Stefan S. on December 18, 2008, 01:42:26 pm thanks,
I can use thte vbs-script on the local PC to activate my Window. Is there a possibility to activate/maximize a program with wsh if it is minimized ? |