Title: Ask Reuben 6 - Do You Need Your C-Extension? Post by: Reuben B. on April 17, 2020, 11:52:30 am Whenever I get a question on C-Extension's I turn the question around and ask "Do you need a C-Extension"? What I invariably find is that the C-Extension is being used to overcome a short-coming in Informix-4gl, and the C-Extension can be replaced with some pure Genero code that we have introduced to do what Informix-4gl did not do.
These are some of the scenarios I find a C library being used for when a Genero library is now available...
Removing the C-Extension and using a Genero code can simplify your build and deployment practices. Read more at https://4js.com/ask-reuben/ig-6/ |