Title: Should the initializer on combox boxes work with dynamic dialogs Post by: Candy M. on March 28, 2018, 04:27:52 am I tried the initializer on the Combobox when creating my form dynamically and it did not appear to work.
I was able to initialize the combox box using ui.ComboBox.forName("column_name"). So should the initializer (example: CALL combobox_node.setAttribute("initializer","mtformcombo")) work if it is added to a form created for a dynamic dialog? Thanks. Candy Title: Re: Should the initializer on combox boxes work with dynamic dialogs Post by: Rene S. on March 28, 2018, 07:53:35 am Hello Candy,
no, the combobox initializer is not called when creating a combobox dynamically. The runtime calls the combobox initializer function if and only if a DISPLAY FORM (or an OPEN WINDOW WITH FORM) statement has been called. Those statements add the form to the AUI tree. Rene Title: Re: Should the initializer on combox boxes work with dynamic dialogs Post by: Candy M. on March 28, 2018, 01:13:52 pm Very good. Thank you Rene for the clarification.
Candy |