Title: Feature Request - Radar Chart Post by: Asnidzal M. on August 29, 2016, 09:28:17 am Hi,
I have a feature request for GRW/GRE to support a new type of chart called RADAR CHART (http://www.chartjs.org/docs/#radar-chart-introduction), I need this for my new project called iCGPA (Integrated Cummulative Grade Point Average) that need to display a Radar chart on student report(transcript) . Thanks. Asnidzal Title: Re: Feature Request - Radar Chart Post by: Reuben B. on September 02, 2016, 01:41:05 am Hi Asnidzal,
I suspect the quickest solution will be to use IMPORT JAVA, and link to a Java library to draw the chart and save as an image for inclusion in your report. Please get in contact with your local support center, support@4js.com.au to discuss this further. Also FYI some of that team will be in KL later this month. Reuben Title: Re: Feature Request - Radar Chart Post by: Alex G. on September 02, 2016, 03:44:56 pm Hi,
I checked the library which we are using for charts (jfreechart) and there is a plot type called spider web which might be close to what you are looking for. It uses the same data model as our CATEGORYCHART so that I added a new visualization (new "drawAs" option called "spiderWeb") to that chart type and produced some charts from that. The attached images shows the new visualization in the left column while the right column contains an existing visualization of the same data. The new visualization could be made available in the next release. Regards, Alex Title: Re: Feature Request - Radar Chart Post by: Reuben B. on September 18, 2016, 11:35:36 pm Hi Asnidzal, I suspect the quickest solution will be to use IMPORT JAVA, and link to a Java library to draw the chart and save as an image for inclusion in your report. Please get in contact with your local support center, support@4js.com.au to discuss this further. Also FYI some of that team will be in KL later this month. Reuben I (with a little help from Alex and Rene in places) put together an example showing how you can use IMPORT JAVA to utilise the JFreeChart libraries that are shipped inside GRW to create an image containing a SpiderWeb chart. Source is available here https://github.com/FourjsGenero/fgl_jfreechart. This technique should be able to be extended to any of the other chart types available in the JFreeChart library. Mac users, make sure you read the README for the command line argument required. Reuben Title: Re: Feature Request - Radar Chart Post by: Asnidzal M. on September 19, 2016, 03:08:50 am Hi,
Thank you very much for all your assistance. Asnidzal |