Title: How to trim a specific part of a characters
Post by: Abdulrahman A. on July 24, 2016, 10:05:32 pm
I have the following example for a Character 'g_temp' with an Array 'g_arr' :- Define g_temp CHAR(1000), Array g_arr OF RECORD r_code char(3), r_desc char(100), r_date date END RECORD Main Let g_temp = "<<<<1<<ABC<<<<2<<TESTING<<<<3<<10/MAY/2016<<<<1<<ZXY<<<<2<<LOOK AT THIS<<<<3<<31/AUG/2016<<<<1<<REG<<<<2<<NICE ONE<<<<3<<04/NOV/2016" End Main
I would like to get some help in separating this variable contents as follow: To place the first part of what is between <<<<1<< and <<<<2<< into g_arr. r_code [n] To place the second part of what is between <<<<2<< and <<<<3<< into g_arr. r_desc [n] To place the third part of what is between <<<<3<< and <<<<1<< into g_arr. r_date [n] and so on Which will end up the following results for our provided 'g_temp' example: g_arr. r_code [1] = ABC g_arr. r_desc [1] = TESTING g_arr. r_date [1] = 10/MAY/2016 g_arr. r_code [2] = ZXY g_arr. r_desc [2] = LOOK AT THIS g_arr. r_date [2] = 31/AUG/2016 g_arr. r_code [3] = REG g_arr. r_desc [3] = NICE ONE g_arr. r_date [3] = 04/NOV/2016
Title: Re: How to trim a specific part of a characters
Post by: Stefan S. on July 25, 2016, 08:46:40 am
Hi you can use the StringTokenizer to separate your string in a single-Column Array and read this array in your array. Maybe there is a easier way, but it works: define g_temp string define g_arr dynamic array of record r_code char(3), r_desc char(100), r_date date end record define g_tmparray dynamic array of record tmpfield string end record, g_tmpfield string define g_token base.StringTokenizer, g_z1 smallint, g_z2 smallint, g_z3 smallint main let g_temp = "<<<<1<<ABC<<<<2<<TESTING<<<<3<<10/MAY/2016<<<<1<<ZXY<<<<2<<LOOK AT THIS<<<<3<<31/AUG/2016<<<<1<<REG<<<<2<<NICE ONE<<<<3<<04/NOV/2016" call g_arr.clear() call g_tmparray.clear() let g_z1 = 0 let g_z3 = 0 let g_token = base.StringTokenizer.create(g_temp, "<<<<") while g_token.hasMoreTokens() let g_tmpfield = g_token.nextToken() case g_tmpfield --remove your "string counter" before inserted in the tmparray when 1 continue while when 2 continue while when 3 continue while end case let g_z1 = g_z1 + 1 let g_tmparray[g_z1].tmpfield = g_tmpfield end while --show the tmparray for g_z1 = 1 to g_tmparray.getLength() display g_tmparray[g_z1].* end for --now build your g_arr from the tmparray let g_z2 = 1 for g_z1 = 1 to g_tmparray.getLength() if g_z2 = 1 then let g_z2 = g_z2 + 1 let g_z3 = g_z3 + 1 let g_arr[g_z3].r_code = g_tmparray[g_z1].tmpfield continue for end if if g_z2 = 2 then let g_z2 = g_z2 + 1 let g_arr[g_z3].r_desc = g_tmparray[g_z1].tmpfield continue for end if if g_z2 = 3 then let g_z2 = 1 --imporant let g_arr[g_z3].r_date = g_tmparray[g_z1].tmpfield continue for end if end for --result for g_z1 = 1 to g_arr.getLength() display g_arr[g_z1].r_code, " ", g_arr[g_z1].r_desc, " ", g_arr[g_z1].r_date end for end main
HTH Stefan
Title: Re: How to trim a specific part of a characters
Post by: Abdulrahman A. on July 25, 2016, 12:17:18 pm
Thank you for your clear explanation ^_^ Hi you can use the StringTokenizer to separate your string in a single-Column Array and read this array in your array. Maybe there is a easier way, but it works: define g_temp string define g_arr dynamic array of record r_code char(3), r_desc char(100), r_date date end record define g_tmparray dynamic array of record tmpfield string end record, g_tmpfield string define g_token base.StringTokenizer, g_z1 smallint, g_z2 smallint, g_z3 smallint main let g_temp = "<<<<1<<ABC<<<<2<<TESTING<<<<3<<10/MAY/2016<<<<1<<ZXY<<<<2<<LOOK AT THIS<<<<3<<31/AUG/2016<<<<1<<REG<<<<2<<NICE ONE<<<<3<<04/NOV/2016" call g_arr.clear() call g_tmparray.clear() let g_z1 = 0 let g_z3 = 0 let g_token = base.StringTokenizer.create(g_temp, "<<<<") while g_token.hasMoreTokens() let g_tmpfield = g_token.nextToken() case g_tmpfield --remove your "string counter" before inserted in the tmparray when 1 continue while when 2 continue while when 3 continue while end case let g_z1 = g_z1 + 1 let g_tmparray[g_z1].tmpfield = g_tmpfield end while --show the tmparray for g_z1 = 1 to g_tmparray.getLength() display g_tmparray[g_z1].* end for --now build your g_arr from the tmparray let g_z2 = 1 for g_z1 = 1 to g_tmparray.getLength() if g_z2 = 1 then let g_z2 = g_z2 + 1 let g_z3 = g_z3 + 1 let g_arr[g_z3].r_code = g_tmparray[g_z1].tmpfield continue for end if if g_z2 = 2 then let g_z2 = g_z2 + 1 let g_arr[g_z3].r_desc = g_tmparray[g_z1].tmpfield continue for end if if g_z2 = 3 then let g_z2 = 1 --imporant let g_arr[g_z3].r_date = g_tmparray[g_z1].tmpfield continue for end if end for --result for g_z1 = 1 to g_arr.getLength() display g_arr[g_z1].r_code, " ", g_arr[g_z1].r_desc, " ", g_arr[g_z1].r_date end for end main
HTH Stefan
Title: Re: How to trim a specific part of a characters
Post by: Reuben B. on July 25, 2016, 11:43:40 pm
I am not sure if stringTokenizor http://4js.com/online_documentation/fjs-fgl-manual-html/#c_fgl_ClassStringTokenizer.html is the best here. It is designed for cases where the delimiter is constant between fields such as the case with CSV or Informix unload files. So if you had "," as the delimiter, then you would have something like ... Define g_temp CHAR(1000), Array g_arr OF RECORD r_code char(3), r_desc char(100), r_date date END RECORD DEFINE tok base.StringTokenizer DEFINE idx INTEGER Main Let g_temp = "ABC,TESTING,10/MAY/2016,ZXY,LOOK AT THIS,31/AUG/2016,REG,NICE ONE,04/NOV/2016" LET tok = base.StringTokenizer.create(g_temp,",") LET idx = 0 WHILE tok.hasMoreTokens() LET idx = idx + 1 LET g_arr[idx].r_code = tok.nextToken() LET g_arr[idx].r_desc = tok.nextToken() LET g_arr[idx].r_date = tok.nextToken() WHILE End Main
If the delimiter between each field was different as in your example, I'd be using base.String methods http://4js.com/online_documentation/fjs-fgl-manual-html/#c_fgl_datatypes_STRING_methods.html Define g_temp STRING, Array g_arr OF RECORD r_code char(3), r_desc char(100), r_date date END RECORD DEFINE idx INTEGER DEFINE pos1a, pos2,pos3,pos1b INTEGER Main Let g_temp = "<<<<1<<ABC<<<<2<<TESTING<<<<3<<10/MAY/2016<<<<1<<ZXY<<<<2<<LOOK AT THIS<<<<3<<31/AUG/2016<<<<1<<REG<<<<2<<NICE ONE<<<<3<<04/NOV/2016" LET idx = 0 WHILE TRUE LET pos1a = g_temp.getIndexOf("<<<<1<<",1) LET pos2 = g_temp.getIndexOf("<<<<2<<",pos1) LET pos3 = g_temp.getIndexOf("<<<<3<<",pos2) LET pos1b = g_temp.getIndexOf("<<<<1<<",pos3) IF pos1b = 0 THEN -- End of file LET pos1b = g_temp.getLength()+1 END IF LET idx = idx + 1 LET g_arr[idx].r_code = g_temp.subString(pos1a+7,pos2-1) LET g_arr[idx].r_desc = g_temp.subString(pos2+7,pos3-1) LET g_arr[idx].r_date = g_temp.subString(pos3+7,pos1b-1) LET g_temp = g_temp.subString(pos1b, g_temp.getLength()) IF g_temp.getLength() = 0 THEN EXIT WHILE END IF END WHILE End Main
... you will need to add some additional code to handle cases where pos1,pos2,pos3 are zero, (and you should double check my maths) but the important thing is for you to see the base.String methods getIndexOf and subString. Reuben