Four Js Development Tools Forum

Discussions by product => GDC => Topic started by: Stefan S. on January 29, 2008, 02:27:08 pm

Title: Why dodoes rcp / rsh not work with the genero frontend
Post by: Stefan S. on January 29, 2008, 02:27:08 pm
Hello List,
We are trying out first steps in genero and I have many, many  questions ;-)

With 4JS-BDL it was possible to execute an unix rsh or rcp to the local windows-pc if the windows-frontend was running.

But if I start only the genero-frontend i get no gennection to my local-pc with rsh or rcp.
Has anybody an idea ???

thanks in advance

kind regards
Stefan Serwe

L U T Z   Büro- und Datentechnik GmbH
Im Taubental 25, 41468 Neuss
Telefon : 02131 -34 13 -0   Telefax : 02131 -34 13 -88

Title: Re: Why dodoes rcp / rsh not work with the genero frontend
Post by: . on January 29, 2008, 03:07:28 pm

RCP deamon must be explicitely started when starting GDC, using -R option:

The reason is that RCP deamon is often considered as a big security hole, so it's up to you to decide starting it or not.


Title: Re: Why dodoes rcp / rsh not work with the genero frontend
Post by: Stefan S. on January 29, 2008, 03:36:02 pm
many thanks. that was exactly what I needes .

Title: Re: Why dodoes rcp / rsh not work with the genero frontend
Post by: Olivier E. on January 29, 2008, 04:45:55 pm

Hello Stefan,

You can find some information in the Four J's FAQ (= Frequently Asked Question).

For example the answer to your question is here :

Thank you,

Olivier ECKERT - Four J's Development Tools Support