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General => Ask Reuben => Topic started by: Reuben B. on October 19, 2023, 11:36:39 pm

Title: Ask Reuben 198 - Emulating More Mobile Features
Post by: Reuben B. on October 19, 2023, 11:36:39 pm
Around the time of  the Genero 4.00 Early Access Program and Genero 4.00 Release, I published some articles Emulating ListView and Emulating Stack which showed how you could get the equivalent of some syntax that was deprecated in 4.00.

Looking back at them I might also have mentioned using FLIPPED as an option for a ListView equivalent.  That is rather than just using HIDDEN@SMALL to hide table columns as the device gets smaller, use FLIPPED to provide an alternate view of a TABLE better suited to a small device.  You can think of the old ListView tableType Style Attribute as being the equivalent of FLIPPED@SMALL, plus HIDDEN@SMALL on every column except the first two.  What we have given you now in 4.00 is more flexibility and control as to what columns are visible in that alternate FLIPPED rendering of a TABLE.  You can have all the columns or you can choose the important ones, or you could perhaps have a summary column that is hidden when other columns are visible.  You are not forced to use the first two columns.

There were some other areas of Mobile UI where we have also given you the smaller building blocks so you can construct the solution you want rather than being constrained by our implementation.  These smaller building blocks are available outside of Mobile as well so can be used in any Genero application whether for Desktop, Web or Mobile thanks to Universal Rendering.