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Author Topic: Help with AUTO_LOGOUT  (Read 9326 times)
Gary C.
Posts: 109

« on: September 24, 2019, 02:32:07 pm »


Reading an earlier post made me aware of the auto logout feature which I think would be of benefit to me to ensure users are logged out each evening - they have a habit of just leaving their screen and heading for home at the end of the day.

However, I cannot seem to get it to work. We use GDC and GAS to launch an MDI based menu application from which all child applications are launched in docked tabs.

Here is the extract from the menu applications XCF file.

  2. <APPLICATION Parent="defaultwa">
  3.        <RESOURCE Id="res.teqdir" Source="INTERNAL">/opt3/teq</RESOURCE>
  4.        <RESOURCE Id="res.teqdir.bin" Source="INTERNAL">$(res.teqdir)/bin</RESOURCE>
  5.        <EXECUTION>
  7.            <PATH>$(res.teqdir.bin)</PATH>
  8.            <MODULE>teqstart.42r</MODULE>
  10.         </EXECUTION>
  11.         <AUTO_LOGOUT>
  12.             <TIMEOUT>30</TIMEOUT>
  13.         </AUTO_LOGOUT>

I was hoping that after 30 seconds of inactivity some form of popup would appear but nothing does. Can anyone point out the error of my ways?

Many thanks

Frank G.
Four Js
Posts: 48

« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2019, 10:35:02 am »


  The auto logout is not fired immediately after 30s of inactivity, it depends also on the USER_AGENT timeout that is set to 300s by default. Because as there is no activity, the user-agent is only notified of the logout at next request it fires, and this is at USER_AGENT timeout.

Can you try to reduce the USER_AGENT timeout to 60s, you should get logged out after one minute.

Gary C.
Posts: 109

« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2019, 12:52:33 pm »


Thanks for the reply. It may by my lack of understanding but is the USER_AGENT element still relevant when using GDC as the front end?

The manual states that USER_AGENT is a child of the TIMEOUT element which itself is a child of the UA_OUTPUT element. I only use UA_OUTPUT for our GBC applications.

Frank G.
Four Js
Posts: 48

« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2019, 05:50:33 pm »

Hi Gary,

 Sorry my fault, the auto logout time out has nothing to do with the USER_AGENT timeout, you should get a message that you have been logged out.

What is your GDC and GAS version ? Can you please contact your local support center to follow your case.


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