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Author Topic: Color and Font Preferences: Modify Theme?  (Read 8225 times)
Bryce S.
Posts: 52

« on: April 20, 2010, 04:24:36 am »


(Studio 2.21.06).

Tools >> Preferences >> Code Editor >>  Color and Font
Does anyone know how I modify 'theme' settings under 'color and font preferences'? I find the 'Gray' theme easiest on the eye, but need to tweak a couple of colours.

For example, if I select the 'Gray' theme I don't seem to be able to then choose 'NUMBER' and change any colour attributes - I find the default colour almost unreadable and would like to change it but don't seem able to. I'd also like to tweak the COMMENT colours.

Is there anyway to make these changes?
Can I then save them as my own theme?

I see I can select 'No theme' and make changes but then I would have to configure every single item belonging to 'no theme' instead of just tweaking a couple of settings for an existing theme.

  Bryce Stenberg.

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