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Author Topic: Genero BDL 3.00.10 - SQL Server 2016 and 2005  (Read 5171 times)
Olivier E.
Four Js
Posts: 204

« on: September 20, 2016, 07:19:08 pm »

 Genero BDL 3.00.10 - SQL Server 2016 and 2005

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce that support for Microsoft SQL Server 2016 is provided with the latest release of Genero Business Development Language (BDL) (version 3.00.10) shipped today.

As Microsoft has discontinued support for SQL Server 2005, Four Js is also discontinuing support for this SQL Server version on all its products.

You can consult the updated list of the Genero 3.00.xx supported databases here.

Best regards,

Four Js Development Tools

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