Four Js Development Tools Forum

Discussions by product => Genero BDL => Topic started by: Jeff P. on April 04, 2012, 05:12:34 am

Title: Two Dimensional Dynamic Screen Arrays
Post by: Jeff P. on April 04, 2012, 05:12:34 am
I want to  create a two dimensional table with product groupings down the page and warehouse/state grouping across the page.   

Has any-one done anything similar where the table  grows dynamically in both directions - rows and columns?

I know I could create a screen with a large number of columns and then hide those not needed, but I was wondering if there is an alternative approach.

Title: Re: Two Dimensional Dynamic Screen Arrays
Post by: Gary C. on April 04, 2012, 03:19:53 pm

I am not aware of a solution other than that which you describe.

Take a look at: (

where I ask a similar question. There is a feature request you may wish to add your name to.