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Author Topic: Getting authenticated user from GASD 2.20 environment  (Read 10596 times)
Mark R.
Posts: 3

« on: August 03, 2009, 04:55:01 pm »

We are running GASD 2.20.06 with Apache 2.2.3, mod_fastcgi on Red Hat Linux AP 5.3. We are authenticating using RADIUS via  mod_radius_auth. Prior to 2.20, the authenticated user was passed to the runner environment in the FGL_WEBSERVER_REMOTE_USER variable. It would appear that under the 2.20 GASD this variable isn't populated. Is this due to mod_fastcgi, the 2.20 GASD or are we doing something wrong?

The config for the fastcgi is connection is:

LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/

<IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
        FastCgiExternalServer /gas -idle-timeout 300 -host -pass-header Authorization
        Alias /gas /gas

We have confirmed that using a simple fastcgi script written in python that REMOTE_USER is populated in the environment using the same auth setup.
Four Js
Posts: 65

« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2009, 04:18:43 pm »

Hi Mark,

With GAS 2.20 and new fastcgi connector, we can't retrieve this FGL_WEBSERVER_REMOTE_USER environment variable. This issue has been registered in our database as issue #13524 (A way to retrieve HTTP headers for the DVM), I will add you to the list of requesters.
We haven't yet any precise timeframe for the fix but I'll inform you when it will be done. In the meantime, the workaround is to use the legacy connectors to retrieve the variable.

Let me know if you need more information,
Best regards
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