Four Js Development Tools Forum

Discussions by product => Genero BDL => Topic started by: Sally W. on April 30, 2012, 01:06:17 pm

Title: Solaris Zones problem
Post by: Sally W. on April 30, 2012, 01:06:17 pm

The help desk is looking into this, but someone here might have come across the problem which we think is some sort of Solaris zones 'gotcha' - we have no problems with standalone Solaris machines.  We are using Solaris 10 x64.

Our new servers will be zones on a Solaris SPARC machine.  They have been setup, I have installed the test zone and licenced Genero.  However I found that rebooting the userver unlicences it - this installation is not using the licence manager:

  1. [testhse2][v6live][inhv6.40] > inhgo kky sc04g
  2. Program stopped at 'set_opt.4gl', line number 62.
  3. FORMS statement error number -6016.
  4. Cannot get information for license (Error 00G000).
  5. Check your environment and the license (run 'fglWrt/greWrt -a info').
  7. [testhse2][v6live][inhv6.40] > fglWrt -a info
  8. ERROR(-6047):The device number of the license file has changed.
  10. [testhse2][v6live][inhv6.40] > fglWrt -V
  11. fglWrt 5.13.23 build-1787
  12. License controller
  13. Target s640800
  14. Four Js*
  15. Licensed Materials - Property of Four Js
  16. (c) Copyright Four Js 1995, 2012. All Rights Reserved.
  17. * Trademark of Four Js Development Tools Europe Ltd
  18.  in the United States and elsewhere

Title: Re: Solaris Zones problem
Post by: Olivier E. on April 30, 2012, 01:38:56 pm

During the reboot of the machine the following can change :

Is it the problem ?

When you wrote "my server is zones on a soalris machines" does it mean it is virtualized ?



Title: Re: Solaris Zones problem
Post by: Sally W. on April 30, 2012, 02:18:41 pm
Yes, the zones are virtual machines.  Have asked the people looking after Solaris to look into the suggestions in your URL.


Title: Re: Solaris Zones problem
Post by: Reuben B. on May 01, 2012, 07:49:34 am
Hi Sally,

One of my local customers had a similar issue last year. 

If you run ifconfig in the non-global zones you will probably find it doesn't return a MAC address, wherwas if you run ifconfig in the global zone it will return a MAC address.

The solution was to install FourJs License Manager into the global zone so that it found a MAC address.


PS Also I notice that you said you were moving from Solaris x64 to SPARC.  I'll draw your attention to our supported systems document and note what versions of Solaris are supported on SPARC vs x64

Title: Re: Solaris Zones problem
Post by: Sally W. on May 01, 2012, 08:05:44 am

This looks very useful.  Thanks, will look into it.

BTW I didn't mean to give the impression that we are moving to Sparc x64 - we've been using that successfully for a long time and moved from an ark-ware version to v10 last Nov.  We had no problems on the stand-along platform, but this licensing problem has come along with the zones.

Title: Re: Solaris Zones problem
Post by: Sally W. on May 01, 2012, 03:05:18 pm
Sadly we now get the problem when the global zone (server) is bounced.  It's OK when the virtual machines (zones) are bounced.  So we are a little closer but not there.  I'#m now wondering if the setup of the global zone is the issue.

Title: Re: Solaris Zones problem
Post by: Sally W. on November 29, 2012, 11:57:03 am
If any of you are wondering if we fixed this, we did by using the FLM on the global zone, and a possibly special release of it.