Four Js Development Tools Forum

General => Ask Reuben => Topic started by: Reuben B. on March 31, 2023, 12:03:46 am

Title: Ask Reuben 167 - What is in a name?
Post by: Reuben B. on March 31, 2023, 12:03:46 am
The Genero syntax for an identifier includes properties that say "only ASCII letters, numbers, and the underscore (_) character are permitted" and that "blanks, hyphens, and other non-alpha numeric characters are not permitted"
So "first_name" is a valid Genero identifier whilst "first-name", "", "first name", "1_first_name" are not valid Genero identifiers.  Standards such as OpenAPI, JSON, XML etc allow a wider range of identifiers and this can initially cause difficulties if you are attempting to pass data between Genero data structures and other data structures.
Attributes such as WSName, XMLName, json_name can be used to provide a mapping between a Genero identifier and an alternative identifier.