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 on: July 26, 2024, 11:20:51 am 
Started by Benjamin G. - Last post by Benjamin G.

calling setcurrentrow after insertrow work's ...


 on: July 26, 2024, 11:15:22 am 
Started by Benjamin G. - Last post by Benjamin G.
Hi Sebastien,

The reason of using a custom action is that the user can choose between "insert one" or "insert multiple" records in the array ...
It would be nice that if we could call an "on action" programatically

eg. :

Display array .....
   on insert
       code ....
   on myaction insertone
     execute "on insert"
   on myaction insertmultiple
     while not stop
        execute "on insert"
     end while
end display

i will try with the "setcurrentrow" after insertrow ... but it seems to me not logical


 on: July 26, 2024, 10:21:48 am 
Started by Benjamin G. - Last post by Sebastien F.

Please provide a code example next time.

If you want to implement your own action handler to insert a row, you should do following:

  1.        ON ACTION myinsert
  2.           LET x = DIALOG.getCurrentRow("sr")
  3. display "insert row: curr = ", x
  4.           CALL DIALOG.insertRow("sr",x)
  5.           CALL DIALOG.setCurrentRow("sr",x)              -- MUST SET THE NEW CURRENT ROW!
  6. display "after insertrow()"
  7. display "  arr_curr()           = ", arr_curr()
  8. display "  scr_line()           = ", scr_line()
  9. display "  getCurrentRow()      = ", DIALOG.getCurrentRow("sr")
  10. display "  arrayToVisualIndex() = ", DIALOG.arrayToVisualIndex("sr",DIALOG.getCurrentRow("sr"))

However, why are you doing this?

Is ON INSERT of DISPLAY ARRAY not good for you?

Please explain the reasons why you want to write your own action handler to insert rows.


 on: July 24, 2024, 02:12:34 pm 
Started by Benjamin G. - Last post by Benjamin G.

I don't understand why with a DISPLAY ARRAY and on action handler using DIALOG.insertrow() just after arr_curr()/scr_line() returned values are different from DIALOG.getCurrentRow() and DIALOG.arrayToVisualIndex().
There is always a gap from 1 between the values ...

eg : if the cursor array is on the line number 3 arr_curr() and scr_line() return 3 but getcurrentrow()and arraytovisualindex return 4 after the insertrow()

is there any explanation about this difference ?


 on: July 24, 2024, 11:23:45 am 
Started by Christine R. - Last post by Christine R.

 Genero Enterprise 5.00 Maintenance Release :
GBC 5.00.05

Four Js is pleased to announce a Maintenance Release of Genero Browser Client 5.00.05.

What's new for GBC...
  • The new gICAPI.UseGbcThemeVariables method allows you to adapt the rendering of webcomponents to settings used in the GBC and defined in your theme.scss.json file.
  • Starting from GBC version 5.00.05, the GBC Settings dialog displays information about the FGL, GAS, and the platform the application is running onin debug mode.
  • A new JavaScript function,, gives you information about the FGL, GAS, and the platform the application is running on. You can call the function from the Web developer Tools console of the browser, or you can call it in your JavaScript files when customizing the GBC.
  • One new color variable is available : theme-primary-emphasis-color
You can refer to for more information.

This version also includes the following bug fixes:

It is now downloadable from the website:

All Four Js Genero customers under maintenance have free access to the new release.

Best regards,

Four Js Development Tools

 on: July 23, 2024, 02:13:27 am 
Started by Reuben B. - Last post by Reuben B.
Hi All,

Registrations are still open for this event at  Apparently the registration page said "Registrations are closed" over the weekend, that was an error (not sure I can blame Crowdstrike!). 

The earlier you register the better as it assists our planning.



 on: July 19, 2024, 09:59:27 am 
Started by Benjamin G. - Last post by Benjamin G.
I hadn't thought of this solution which seems to be the best and which allows me to generate the 4gl code as I want.
Thank you very much.

 on: July 19, 2024, 02:12:35 am 
Started by Benjamin G. - Last post by Reuben B.
Hi Benjamin,

What I am about to say may seem contradictory to a recent Ask-Reuben article where I suggest be persistent if you believe there is something small that would be beneficial and should be added to the product.

With a .per, using base.Channel and various string methods, or in the case with .4fd .42f  using XML methods, I would expect it to be relatively trivial to write a 4gl program that parses a form file and DISPLAY (send to stdout) the desired information. 

Once you have that program, you can then ...

Doing this, you will have a solution quicker and you have more control over what the generated code does.  (for instance, does TYPE CHAR equal CHAR(1) or STRING, do you look at other form attributes to influence data type chosen ...)


 on: July 19, 2024, 01:52:31 am 
Started by Reuben B. - Last post by Reuben B.
The latest maintenance release of Genero 5.00.02 had an issue resolved that might hold the title for smallest issue ever resolved.  That issue was GST-13151 “Improve Position of Cursor During Code Completion”.  It resulted in the cursor being moved one character to the right during code completion in certain conditions.
I have highlighted it  to show that no issue is too small to be resolved.  The important thing is to get it in the system and to provide compelling evidence to justify its value.


 on: July 19, 2024, 01:50:48 am 
Started by Reuben B. - Last post by Reuben B.
On the support desk, we are getting a number of issues relating to older versions.  Our support policy has a simple mantra, “current plus two”.  That is we support the current version plus the two previous versions.  At the time of writing this article (July 2024), the current version is 5.00, and the previous versions supported are 4.01 and 3.21.
As a rule of thumb, it takes us approximately five years to cycle through three release cycles, and at a minimum we would expect you to have to upgrade FGL, GAS, GRE at least once every 5±1 years in order to remain on a supported version.
There is a sizeable proportion still where developers are asking questions involving the previous supported versions or even earlier versions before that.
We would expect most support questions to involve the latest release of our product.
If you are not coding in version 5, I would encourage you to move up.

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